Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blog restarted...

Yes, finally a fresh start after a long silent spell. We'll there are many self-righteous things that I wanted to rant about for the inaugural post. But I've decided to use it to thank a couple of people who have been a pillar of support this past 08-09 year.(This gets more emo if you use kk's blog song as background music (-.-)

Here they are in alphabetical order (or as KK types alphe-bird-ankle order)...

Cheng Jiang - I always say you're the class median mark, (when you start studying most of us do, when you start "suaning" most of us continue), though you never did quite like the term. Now that I think of it there's more to you than mediocrity. I hope you have a swell time at Jurong Shipyard after the army and If i do visit don't "kan" me cuz I never wear helmet.

Enshao - Even though you can't plan a night cycling event for s**t, and always seem give the "slap my face" smile even after screwing up. I'm grateful that you were are class monitor. No one in our whole class seem to be able to mop up s**t better than you can. Thanks for ensuring that each of us got a copy of the lecture notes and "organizing" class outings. I think there is a lot more about you than a lot of us think there is. And I hope you continue to do well after this.

Johnny - You "YAYA" kia always seem to be irritating me when I'm most not in the mood. But thanks for being the most responsible teammate all through my poly life. I guess like a lot of people, seeing your more mature side is refreshing. I Look forward to seeing you in BMTC school 2. And stop the habit of carrying your jokes too far, won't wanna stop people from blanket partying you hor.

Kok Kiat - You Kuku, teach me how to drink and spell like some "bo-tak-chek" person. But thanks for constantly being there during the lowest points of our "KNL" FYP and when I was really down. I remember how we used to go drinking and shout our problems away (that time really quite emo hor). I think you've got more potential than you think, and the most important thing about potential is utilizing it. When you "fa da cai" next time don't forget me. Btw i think you have the best blog song amongst most of the blogs I've visited.

Naqiah - Your pinch hurts like a B***h. But fortunately that's not same for the person.Thanks for being so sporting about the jokes and being so hardworking. Frankly, I take my cue to start studying hard when you begin to ask me questions that I couldn't answer. I think the whole class lived on yours and Noraini's notes for the past 3 years. Wishing you all the best for your Mechanical Course at NTU, and trash those JC wimps..

Pauline - You were one person I couldn't quite agree with. But I guess if I were in a course that I totally hated, I'd be pretty cranky as well. You've taught me how much a blessing it is to be doing the things you love. And I do hope that one day you too will go on and do things you enjoy doing. Life's beautiful for you and I do hope it continues to go on that way for the many years to come.

QE - I thought the world went upside down when our slackest most "bo chap" classmate got called up to the most "siong" unit in all of the SAF. Thanks for being so "Chio-Chio" in class and not adding to the suaning that was constantly flying around. If maple was homework you'd be a Nerd. You've got a lot in you, much more than you can imagine. So go, discover and be more than you'd thought yourself to be.

Thao - Last to join. Quite frankly when I first met you, I thought we were going to have problems communicating. But over time in FYP I found you more hardworking that Naqiah (gasp). And the trip to your house in Vietnam has been deeply enriching as well as humbling. I thank you for your hospitality during the trip. And hopefully one day I'll see Uncle, Auntie, Uyen and yourself here as Singaporeans.

Thiam Hee - Thanks for bringing all the prawns for BBQ and going night cycling with us. Don't go around saying that you're stupid cuz you're not, You just lack organization of your notes and theory. I think you're the most misunderstood amongst all, and I hope that someday you'll be able to find the right tone to engage people best with. Start with a smile that always works =)

Weilson - You always seem to blow the class away with glitzy presentation slides, coupled with a wise crack sense of humor, none of the lecturers knew the job was done just 30mins ago. But I guess that's you. We might not have always seen eye to eye on everything. But I guess you always raised the bar in class which is a good thing. I think you're going to have a splendid time doing Computing at NUS. And when you get good at it don't hack my com. thanks

Wei Kok - Though you have the foulest machine gun mouth in our class. I still know you're a nice guy at heart. You're the only person I know who can play the same game for 3 years (even though you can say it's diff version). Though I know that you probably woudn't be a football manager in future (cuz Richard Bok is still head of SAFFC) but I do hope that you'll end up doing something you enjoy. And remember friends are not football players, the hairdryer treatment dosen't work on everybody. So try smiling more and saying "Ah Do" even if you've got to hit your head on the car roof.

Wei Wen - Thanks for coming up with the most insane jokes. Sometimes I come to class upset that I've been marked late (like all the time), and just you asking the lecturer for more time to complete the assignments can crack me up. Life is in the fast lane for you just like your bike and hopefully in future you'll go further than you've ever been before.

Young - You emo kuku, stop spreading misinformation about me. But I gotta thank you for accompanying me on those deary bus rides home. And talking c**k and goofing around. Thanks for including me into your money making schemes, though I must admit I'm really quite the safe type. I really am enthused by your spirit of never letting the problems at home or school get you down. How much of that is a facade I'm not sure. But I guess I'm a product of your optimism rubbing off others, so keep it up. Btw I was quite warmed when you posted the stupid pic of me on your blog when i was away, quite reminded me that home was not too far away..

I've had great memories with each and everyone of you. Either bullying you guys or being bullied(I think more of being bullied). I thank God for placing each one of you in my life. And I guess we all had our fare share of the laughter, mugging and suaning.

It has truely been a tremendous pleasure to be counted among NP's graduating class of MOT '09.


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