Friday, January 29, 2010


I was waiting a long time for the bus almost 20 minutes, boarded it. On the bus this happened..

1-stop before the incident
Bus driver grumbles to himself about how LTA manages to put 2 bus stops in close proximity to each other near the MRT. The commuters however don't seem to notice and always seem to press the 'bus stopping' button at the wrong stop. this trip was no different, thereby irking the driver so.

The next few proceedings happened in a matter of seconds. Lady who in one hand was holding her laptop and in the other a book, which she happened to be engrossed in. Enters the bus without tapping her card, the bus driver hollers 'OI' or 'A' or something to that effect, above his normal voice. The lady proceeds to leave her items on the chair and scans her card. This was after all the other passengers had boarded. In the process retorting to the bus driver: "don't be so impatient, can't you be a little more gracious" or something to that effect.

The question here is who is at fault?

1) While most people would say the lady has been aggrieved. I think culturally we tend to side with the damsel in distress. More often than not you do not use 'OI' on someone you don't really know.

2) Some would say due to the nature of the argument both were at fault. This I believe is the nice man attitude, we don't know what exactly happened and thus decide to split the bill/blame. An even portion here and there makes US look not so judgmental.

3) Some would even go as far as to blame the environment. Blame the LTA who put 2 bus stops almost side by side, blame the people who didn't intervene, blame etc.. etc.. This I believe is same as (2).

4) In my opinion, I feel that the lady was at fault. Being gracious means being able to think beyond yourself. To that I believe taking out your card prior to boarding means the others after you can board smoothly as well. Knowing that you have much to carry you should also not try to hinder the way of others after you. The driver although rough in his mannerism was executing his rights to check on the ticket. And while there were better ways to do so his 'OI' was given so the commuter could spare the trouble of coming back all the way to the front just to tap his/her card.

I'm not the kind that likes to scrutinize human behavior, come to think of it I would be guilty of choosing (1) in most cases. However the more I think about it the more I've come to realize that we use more senses than logic when it comes to deducing right and wrong.

Coming to the point I think neither the lady nor the bus driver would be able to deduce all this simply because of a lack of ability to think beyond themselves. This is something we should all endeavor to do to become a true gracious society.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

End Jan

Here's to the end of January! Come by tomorrow I'll have completed my fourth SOC and be a week closer to the CNY break. I just hope I can get past tomorrow, SOC is no joke. Especially when the sand cans in front shake like nobody's business during the run.

Talking about muscle aches and strains, I've recently been starting to take protein. In part due to my bunk mates who inadvertently bought a 10 pounds worth of the stuff. It was so large it came in a bucket. No kidding a real KFC/ Nippon paint like bucket. Drinking it really makes the recovery go all so much faster, though I don't feel any stronger. By allowing you to do more I bet I'll get stronger in time. There is a downside though, The stuff makes you super heaty and after awhile your pimples start to sprout pretty fast:(

I kinda feel that the weekends are getting a lot shorter. Mainly due to the hectic meet-ups and programs being planned and planning for. I sometimes feel that I rest more in camp than outside over the weekends.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I found this on a course mates journal decoration. Talks about Life and all that it is..

Life is a Challenge - Meet it
Life is a Gift - Accept it
Life is an Adventure - Dare it
Life is a Sorrow - Overcome it
Life is a Duty - Perform it
Life is a Game - Play it
Life is a Tragedy - Face it
Life is a Puzzle - Solve it
Life is a Song - Sing it
Life is an Opportunity - Take it
Life is a Journey - Complete it
Life is a Promise - Fufill it
Life is a Love - Enjoy it
Life is a Beauty - Praise it
Life is a Struggle - Fight it
Life is a Mystery - Unfold it
Life is a Goal - Achieve it

When can I have my life back?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

GECKO over..

I thought I'd never say this, but I think I've had the easiest week in my whole weapon phase life. 190 pull ups in a week. Not counting the push-ups, SOC or the much dreaded helicopter exercise (that makes your neck feel like it's been twisted 360 degrees like in the exorcist) At least we haven't started carrying anything yet..

Next week and the following weeks to come are going to be so packed, I think I'll just be looking forward to ending the day and sleeping in the bunk.

Went back to NP on Saturday, quite a large number of changes have happened. Most glaring of all the entire business block along with canteen 1 has been demolished, the rooms above canteen 2 have also been ripped off to be redone and lastly the lecture theater opposite the same canteen has been demolished.

It was the first time coming to NP open house as a visitor and I did have a great time listening to everything that the enthusiastic students had to share. I hope all of them are enjoying their course as much as they seem to be sharing. And despite the competitiveness and all are excelling in what they are interested in doing.

Looking at them reminds me of the 3 years that I have spent in poly. The all the up's and down's. And while not everything was pleasant, I think I still had an awesome time in poly. The greatest lesson I think it taught me was that you can be anything you want to be, if you try hard enough and put everything you have into accomplishing that.