Thursday, October 13, 2011


I have decided to restart the blog. I think this word is overused in this context.

Listening to KK's blog music while doing this brings me back to the poly days when life was much simpler and easier. I wonder if I could have pushed myself harder back then, I remember fondly how getting an A was a simple task and thus bothering for an AD was deemed too much work. That applies also to the AEM that I was suppose to take up.

University life is so different. Even as I type this post so many rules about audience, context, noise and organisation keep popping into my head silently reminding me of the HW speech assignment that is still due. But still I would like to thank God that I managed to get here, knowing that by being here, someone had to be declined a place makes me want to work hard and treasure the opportunity that been presented.

So even if my grades are mediocre and life seems tougher than what it should, I must press on. If someday something gets me down and I need a perk I will definitly look back on what I wrote here in year 1.

The second thing is that I hope to start a small buisness online. I have yet to think about what the business model will be or what the renumerations will be like. But hopefully with this blog, I can sharpen my technical skills a little bit.

Hopefully if this is done well, I can put it up in my portfolio.


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