Thursday, January 28, 2010

End Jan

Here's to the end of January! Come by tomorrow I'll have completed my fourth SOC and be a week closer to the CNY break. I just hope I can get past tomorrow, SOC is no joke. Especially when the sand cans in front shake like nobody's business during the run.

Talking about muscle aches and strains, I've recently been starting to take protein. In part due to my bunk mates who inadvertently bought a 10 pounds worth of the stuff. It was so large it came in a bucket. No kidding a real KFC/ Nippon paint like bucket. Drinking it really makes the recovery go all so much faster, though I don't feel any stronger. By allowing you to do more I bet I'll get stronger in time. There is a downside though, The stuff makes you super heaty and after awhile your pimples start to sprout pretty fast:(

I kinda feel that the weekends are getting a lot shorter. Mainly due to the hectic meet-ups and programs being planned and planning for. I sometimes feel that I rest more in camp than outside over the weekends.


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